dissabte, 15 de novembre del 2014


Thursday, 20th November.

It was a foggy day and planed to visit El Lago de Sanabria. We got up at 8.00, as always, and we had breakfast at 9.00. After the breakfast, we brushed our teeth and we prepared the necessary clothes because if we were wet, we could change our clothes to have lunch and go by bus. We went to the information office to know more about the monitor explained us and after this, we went to the Sanabria's lake. When we arrived to the lake, we went by bus to a town near the lake to have lunch. Then, we went to confirm if the information that the monitor explained before was true. When we finished this, we stopped in front of the honorary statue for the missing people of the river tragedy because one of the monitor wanted to explain us some things about this tragedy. After this, we took the bus to go to La Puebla de Sanabria and the professors gave us some free time to buy some souvenirs for our families. When our free time had finished, we returned by bus to the school. We arrived at 19.00 and we had a half an hour to have a shower and after this we did the blog. After did the blog, we had some free time to talk with our families and friends with our mobile phones. We had lunch at 21.00 and after this, we did a cultural exchange. The cultural exchange was consist of one oral presentation of our classmates and a video of our Badajoz friends. After this, we did a photography competition and the winner of the cometition was the table 2. Then, our teachers decided to do another competition but this time, the competition was about sing. The winners were the odd tables. After these competitions, we thought about this cohabitation and some people started to cry because we were excited and we won't to returned to our towns. We went to sleep at 1.30.


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